The learning support and wellbeing faculty brings together all the services that seek to ensure students’ learning and experiences at school are both personalised and accommodated.
We provide integrated support for all students to create a strong sense of belonging, an independent approach to learning and facilitate our students to become informed and empowered 21st century citizens.
Wellbeing team
Student wellbeing is at the heart of our philosophy and approach to teaching and learning at Strathfield South High School. We have a vibrant and proactive program of whole school and targeted interventions which strive to enhance students experience of community, promote an harmonious and celebratory multicultural and multi-faith community, develop independent learners and resilient, proactive global citizens.
The integrated team
- Head teacher secondary studies
- Year advisors
- Anti-racism contact officer (ARCO)
- Learning and support
- Careers
- Counsellor
- Girls advisor
- Rewards and values
- International/refugee coordinator
- Indigenous and mentor teacher
We have a range of whole cohort and targeted programs that focus on:
- social justice
- recognising and celebrating diversity and achievement
- building resilience through positive experiences
- building healthy relationships through respect and responsibility
- supporting Independent study and healthy lifestyle choices.
Learning and support
In addition to meeting mandatory individualised learning needs, the learning and support team work with staff to maximise the learning experience of all students. We provide an extensive range of individual, small group and whole class support.
Some of these include:
- Quicksmart
- In-class support through SLSOs
- Individual and small group withdrawal programs
- Team teaching
- Tracking student achievement
- Indigenous support
- AIM program
- Individual and group mentoring
The Library and learning resource centre
SSHS library provides flexible 21st learning spaces, a qualified teacher librarian, access to desktop and mobile technology, extensive quality print and online resources and physical spaces for individual and group study. Open from 8:15am four mornings a week and every recess and lunch, it offers another method of supporting students to become independent learners and maximise their achievements and opportunities during their school years.
Strathfield South High School hosts a number of support classes for students with additional learning needs. There are four classes supporting students with a hearing impairment and two autism support classes.

Hearing support unit
The hearing support unit has a strong history at Strathfield South and has operated in the school for over 30 years. Students participate in small, discrete classes for maths, English, science and social science, and are integrated with support in mainstream for the remaining subjects. Hearing support classes are set up in small, sound proofed classrooms with soundfield systems. There are many additional programs offered within the unit including the Quicksmart program, MultiLit, work experience and speech therapy.
Autism support class
The first autism support class was established at the school in 2013 with the second class commencing in 2016. Each class caters for 7 students working on individualised programs. The students participate in all aspects of school life. Students have the opportunity to participate in intensive, discrete classes as well as integration on a needs basis. The class attends regular excursions as well as a number of additional programs including speech therapy, work experience, music and social skills.
English as a second language (ESL) department
ESL is part of the English faculty. The teachers in the ESL faculty teach the subject English, but teach it with the knowledge that for the students in the class English is their second, third and sometimes fourth language. Therefore our job is to teach the same books, plays, poems, films and other text studied by students in years 7 to 10 English, and also to help develop students to feel comfortable and at home in the English language.
At senior level, English ESL is a distinct course with its own texts and guidelines. This course has equal recognition as standard English and advanced English in terms of Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) and entrance into university. Before applying to enrol in English ESL at senior level, students should discuss their circumstances with the ESL staff.
The ESL faculty include:
- Ms Tham (International student coordinator)
- Ms Warner
All the teachers in the ESL faculty share the goal of giving our students a quality education in a friendly and supportive learning environment.