The careers education program aims to equip each student with the knowledge, skills and understanding and attitudes that will enable them to successfully embark upon a personal careers path that is realistic, achievable and personally satisfying.
Strathfield South High School provides an all-inclusive approach to individualised careers education. Career development is not just about providing students with information regarding specified courses and general careers facts. It is about encouraging our students to discover their interests and personal strengths, while we provide them with every opportunity possible to allow then to develop and gain the necessary skills and information to venture out into the ever-changing world of work.
Careers education at Strathfield South High School consists of one on one personalised careers counselling, resume workshops, practice interviews, guest speakers, onsite careers and course presentations from institutions and industry, individualised work experience and much more.
The school is well connected with experts within institutions, industry and local community organisations. Strathfield South High School is involved in collaborative partnerships offered by the major universities in NSW. This allows students to gain access to a variety of speakers offering specified presentation/talks, access to exclusive information nights, special guided tours of campuses and exclusive faculty events specially tailored to the needs of our students.
Careers counselling
The careers service is staffed by a qualified careers counsellor and transition adviser. Students are able to book appointments to discuss their individual careers plan and other course and career related issues. Students receive targeted support in relation to subject selection and tertiary applications, including anything from scholarship applications to Education Access Schemes and the School Recommendation Scheme. Parents are also welcome to make an appointment to speak to the careers counsellor about issues relating to students.
Careers in the curriculum
As early as Year 7, career development learning is introduced to students as they are invited to engage in a range of presentations and interactive workshops, as part of the schools ongoing careers program. Students are encouraged to reflect on their interests, skills, and abilities and how they relate to their individual career development with specific reference to future study options and employment opportunities.
Year 12 have an extensive interview to create a career pathway for the following year with a variety of options and alternatives offered including study plans to improve, goal setting and follow up where needed.
Each year group will be working towards achieving a stage related career outcome with the assistance of successful programs such as the Western Sydney Fast Forward program, University of New South Wales Aspire, University of Technology Sydney Summer School, University of Sydney Connect and an extensive range of relevant industry professionals aimed at expanding student’s career horizons as part of an ongoing process relating to individual career development.

Careers information
A careers notice board located outside the library and at the entrance to the top quad is updated fortnightly with information regarding apprenticeships/traineeship opportunities, job vacancies and general careers information relevant to individual student needs. A termly school newsletter is also another way student’s and community members can access career information and more importantly view student achievements within the ongoing careers programs. Students are emailed regularly on their school email with career opportunities and upcoming events regularly.
Work experience
Students in Years 9 to 12 have the option of undertaking a work experience block. The program is run upon student/parent request as we aim to provide an opportunity for students to experience the world of work, understand employer expectations and build their employability skills.
Subject selection
The careers team plays a significant role in assisting students with subject selection options as we offer one on one interviews to discuss all matters related to specific subject choices, potential tertiary pathways, future TAFE (technical and further education), vocational education and training (VET), Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) applications, the selection procedures and provide detailed information to parents and caregivers.
Career advisers
As students embark on their career journey there will be an extensive list of resources that they will need to explore. For more information please contact Paris Hadjisocratous on the details provided.
Our school career advisers are located in the library.
Making an appointment
To make an appointment with a member of the careers team simply visit them in the library to make a booking face to face or contact them directly on their extension.
Mr Hadji: 02 9642 4422 (Extension 109)
Ms Brewster: 02 9642 4422 (Extension 171)